[FS x DS] Collaboration Decks
The new Damned Collabo series is something very special:
Martin Stonisch, Photography Stonitsch: "We live in a world in which technical progress often means a human Rückschritt. More and more öfter artificial and human intelligence meet, sparking a heated love-hate relationship.
And this is exactly what I tried to reflect with this project. For the designs an AI was involved. It was fed with so-called prompts (prompts), until it spit out that image, which corresponded to my imagination the most. Since the AI is (still) anything but error-free, the unusable image sections were corrected manually.
Intriguing about the whole thing was that even the same prompts led to different results, which on the one hand made an identical reproducibility impossible, but on the other hand always gave a new input of design ideas. Thus, the AI formed sometimes completely abstruse, sometimes frighteningly honest images. One idea behind the designs was the full disclosure of any privacy. Partly due to the surveillance state prevailing in parts of the world, on the other hand the almost endless urge of man to share his life with the WWW. In addition, my passion for photography is reflected in the designs. As a partner for this project came für me only Damned Skateboards in question, because I myself am on the road with the boards, their quality and especially their designs for a long time very schätze!
You can keep from the artificial intelligence, what you want to call it the end of art or use it as inspiration, it is no longer to be imagined away. And we will see what AI will bring us in the future... maybe we are all soon damned."
The complete skateboard FS London from Damned Skateboards is equipped with high-quality brand components.
Fitting the respective sizeöße the appropriate Core axles and HVC Wheels used, so that all components are perfectly matched.
As a complete skateboard, this setup not only in the price-Performance ratiounbeatable, it also damned looks good.
The complete board consists of:
- Deck: Damned skateboard FS New York.
- Axles: Core Trucks
- Rolls: HVC Wheels regular, 81B (101a)
- Ball bearings: Amphetamine ABEC5
- Griptape: Black Diamond

Damned Skateboards
Damned Skateboards wurde im April 2019 von Jan Ruppnig, Thomas Steinwender, Sandro Müller, Christof Fohn, Manuel Oschgan, Johannes Sandriesser, Patrick Blüm und Lado Bajic gegründet. Hochqualitative Produkte zu einem fairen Preis anzubieten ist DS genauso wichtig wie das Vorantreiben der regionalen Skate-Szene und die Förderung der Rookies.
Der Slogan „Just Another Skateboard Company“ beschreibt die Company-Philosophie und wofür Damned Skateboards steht: Don't take yourself and the business too seriously!
Jeder bei Damned ist sich bewusst, dass die Skate-Community nicht einer „Skate-Marke“ als solcher folgt, sondern vor allem den Menschen, den Dudes dahinter. Diese Verantwortung zu übernehmen und das Skateboarden voranzutreiben, wo und wann immer es möglich ist, ist die Damned Mission!