The surf skates from the "Smooth Carve" series of Impact Skategear are extremely agile surf skateboards with which very tight radii can be carved. The surf axes come without rotating baseplate, but are specially designed for surf skateboards and provide für very agile truns and give the board a real surf feeling.
The board is made of 100% Canadian mountain maple (7ply) and 9.75 x 31.75 inches.
Also the wheels testify to high standards in the development: Stone ground Eurethane in 62mm and 78a stick to the asphalt.
Board: 9.75 x 31.75 inch 7ply
Truck Setup: "Smooth Carv" Surf Trucks
Wheels: 62mm 78a stoneground
Bearings: 608-RS precision ABEC 7

Impact Skategear
Impactt Skategear hat sich auf Surfskates, Cruiser und Longboards spezialisiert. Hier kommen Boards an den Start, welche nicht nur technisch auf höchstem Niveau arbeiten, sondern auch richtig fresh aussehen. Mit einem Board von Imapct Skategear wird das Aspahltsurfen zum Genuss.